Poop Happens

Back in the 60s, there were days when my mother would tell us not to flush the toilet after doing a “No. 2”. She would come in and look at our poop, which, as a child, boggled my mind. I remembered this when I watched a scene in the movie “Last Emperor”.

The physician looked at the young Emperor’s poop and announced “No bean curd today and no meat!”

I realized that nowadays, people don’t pay enough attention to poop. You can tell a lot from poop – either your own or someone you care for. The shape, texture, colour and weight can indicate digestive issues and so much more.

What do you look for? I’m no expert, but my mother did teach me a few things. Here are some very basic, simple things that EVERYONE should keep in mind.

“S” and “J” shapes are good!

When poop is "S" or "J" shaped, it is good!

Shapes and textures that are NOT so good are pebbles and sauces. Pebbles (or as we used to call them, Milk Duds) can indicate a lack of fiber. It’s too hard to flow easily. Eat more salads and leafy greens.

Pebbles (or Milk Duds) may indicate a need for more fiber.

Sauces (diarrhea) are loose, or downright watery, stools. It can indicate that something was eaten that couldn’t be digested, like drinking milk when you’re lactose intolerant. It can mean so much more, so if it continues, seek medical attention.

Loose stools may mean you didn't digest your food or a medical problem.

Colour is important. Poop should be some shade of brown. Food can affect the colour (beets, licorice, too many greens) but generally grey, green, yellow, red and black are NOT what you should be seeing.

Color matters! Grey, yellow, green, red and black could be a result of food or indicate a medical problem.

The last indicator we’ll discuss is weight. Ideally, it should sink.

Poop that sinks is good!

If it floats, it may indicate there’s way too much fat in your diet.

Floating poop could indicate too much fat in your diet.

So, take a look. Brown, “J” and “S” shaped sinkers indicate your diet and digestion are probably good. See a doctor if you have concerns — and “pass it” on!


  1. Jacqueline Morton says:

    Nice read out loud to Dave while we’re at a standstill on I65. Someone’s day just got ruined, and one would be justified, in our current irresponsible tech world, to suspect texting is involved somehow. Anyway, I am a passenger, but still…tech world!

    Anyway, good information and simple. Brown, S/J Sinkers, like a mini physical.
    Thanks for “passing” it along. 🙂

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